5H have been reading and translating the book ‘Berthe Va en Vacances’.
4J have enjoyed writing their own versions of Bonjour Berthe, they have written some great stories!
4C had an exciting time learning their birthdays in French before playing bingo with different dates of the year. We had five lucky winners too, super work everyone!
5C Have Enjoyed Their French Lesson Learning About the Time
4J have been learning about how French people pronounce the letter 'e'. They did lots of different activities to try and learn the differences.
4C challenged themselves today, we explored which nouns are masculine or feminine in French and used our knowledge to construct small verbal sentences. Super pronunciation skills everyone based on our book ‘Bonjour Berthe!’
4J used online dictionaries to investigate and collect masculine and feminine nouns
Today 4C practiced our months of the year as a class, we worked in our talk partners to say what our birth month would be, before, playing a game practicing our pronunciation skills. Excellent work!
Today 4C practiced their numbers from 0-31, we listened and repeated them together as a class, played games and wrote them down on our whiteboards. Super work everyone!
3Na had a super French lesson this week where they learnt the vocabulary for the different parts of the body. Their pronunciation and spelling was very impressive! Well done Year 3!
5W have really enjoyed their French lesson this afternoon. Learning all about presents and festivals.
6F learned about some French speaking countries this afternoon.
4C have been learning different classroom instructions.
4J have been asking each other about what they have in their imaginary pencil cases.
4J have been learning to identify the different items in their pencil cases.
3M have enjoyed learning how to ask what is your name in French.